SPEAKER: Heather Andrews
SPEAKER: Heather Andrews
Participants will learn how to create habitats for beneficial insects, go on a bug hunt outside, and practice scientific identification! Next, we’ll meet some real live Madagascar hissing cockroaches, and watch these amazing creatures as they paint on paper! Students will take what they’ve learned to create an art project to be displayed in the museum for the month of September.
Taught by Heather Andrews, entomologist and artist.
Questions: education@bentoncountymuseums.org
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"The Madagascar hissing cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa (Schaum), is native only to the island of Madagascar... [which] has a tropical to subtropical climate that supports an extremely diverse [array of animals], including some of the largest insects in the world. In Madagascar, this insect is primarily a food source for larger animals such as lemurs, birds, and lizards... The large size and relative tameness of this species make it an ideal insect pet!"
~OSU Extension, Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches: Information and Care
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