Decorate a mason bee house and start your own native bee colony!
Join us for a fun-filled workshop at the Corvallis Museum where we’ll learn all about native bees. These insects play essential roles in maintaining a balanced ecosystem and are important for pollinating all kinds of plants. But did you know that we have over 4,000 native bees right here in North America, and that many species nest in the ground or plant stems?
In this workshop taught by entomologist Heather Andrews of OSU, you will learn all about the different types of native bees here in the Willamette Valley, and the various kinds of habitat they need!
This workshop is best for teens and adults. Young children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
All participants will take home:
your handmade mason bee house
several mason bee cocoons to start your own colony
seed packets to plant native flowers in your yard
plenty of information on native bees
a poster with the different native bees found right here in Oregon.