Most of the artifacts and artwork donated by Mr. Raymond were accompanied by detailed descriptions which don’t fit well on exhibition labels. Here is one such story.
The Milk Stone

“There were many small jewelry stores mostly selling gold ornaments for women’s doweries [sic]. In one shop, my guide asked to see some ‘milk stones.’ I thought I had heard him correctly and was immediately very curious. The little shopkeeper reached below the counter and showed a small box containing five cylinders of agate the size of beads. My friend picked out one to buy. I asked why he was buying one bead and why the name ‘milkstone.’ He explained that after the child was born, his wife would hang the milkstone between her breasts to induce the flow of milk. This was a new custom to me, so I decided to buy one to take home for the education of the Western world. When I told the proprieter [sic] that I needed one too, he laughed and asked ‘What would you do with it?’ They both laughed at my confusion.” – Louis C. Raymond